Pagina articoli Risparmia con Martignani

trattamento noci Martignani - Veneto

We are in Veneto. Probably one of the most romantic and enchanting regions in Italy. With a great diversity of landscapes and cultural secrets all to discover: from the hills to the sea or the mountains, from tradition to modernity. From art to gastronomy or tourism. All the charm of Venice meets the hilly belt,

Martignani and the treatments in the Walnuts Read More »

nebulizzatore Martignani asparagi

“Primo asparagus comes from organic and state-of-the-art Cultivation Techniques that stretch over 30 hectares of lovingly cultivated land.” This is how the Orto Veneto agricultural society in the province of Padua presents itself. A very young reality, born in 2015, the result of the experience of farmers, industrial entrepreneurs and young people with a great

“We all know that Martignani is the TOP.” Read More »

Recensione Martignani Newport20 vigneto

We are in Marsala, a charming and elegant city located on the western tip of Sicily (Italy). Indeed, Marsala’s beaches and coastline are stunning and one of the main strengths of this area. But Marsala’s hinterland is also enchanting, with its vine-covered lands and ancient bagli, typical Sicilian buildings that combined productive and defensive needs,

Giancarlo Angileri: “Before Martignani, it took me twice as long to complete the treatment of my 280 hectares of vineyard.” Read More »

atomizzatore Martignani - azienda agricola Pastore - Puglia

Noicattaro, Bari (Italy). Sunshine, the sea nearby, great cultural and religious richness… Perfect atmosphere to welcome the words of one of our most established clients/friends. Mr. Vito Pastore is the owner ofPastore Farm in Noicattaro, Apulia. He has been cultivating 15 hectares of table grape vineyards for many, many years, and for exactly 15 years

“With Martignani I have come to save up to €7,500 a year.” Read More »

One of Martignani’s strengths is its ability to save farmers time and money. In fact, thanks to Martignani’s low volume and electrostatic charge technology, it is possible to save money: More than 90 percent water More than 30 % chemical More than 60 % labor More than 40 percent fuel These results have been repeatedly

“Martignani machines save me € 205 per year per hectare.” Read More »

Last June, we at Martignani organized a Webinar with Latin American, Central American and Spanish farmers and other experts in the field of agriculture, in collaboration with our agents in the area. It has been years since our machines have been present in countries such as Peru, Ecuador, Chile or Argentina with remarkable results, and

“Seventeen years later my Martignani are working perfectly.” Read More »

One of the aspects that reconciles us with life and makes us appreciate our work is the esteem that more and more of our customers/friends are testifying to our technology and agricultural sprayers. This is one of those cases. From one of Italy’s most vocated territories in the cultivation of the vine: the Treviso area,

Marco Padoin: 9 treatments vs. 13/14 and 30% less product Read More »

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